domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Simplemente No Te Quiere III

Gigi: Maybe his grandma died or maybe he lost my number or is out of town or got hit by a cab...
Alex: Or maybe he is not interested in seeing you again.

Simplemente No Te Quiere II

Alex: So trust me when I say if a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit. No exceptions.

Simplemente No Te Quiere

Gigi: I think I've figured it out. Remember when I went out with that notary public and he cheated on me and then Anastasia from upstairs told me about how her boyfriend cheated on her in the beginning then he totally changed and now they're married and crazy in love?
Beth: I thought that guy was a process server.
Gigi: No notary. Anyway my point is, Anastasia is the exception, not the rule. We have to stop listening to these stories because they rule is most guys who cheat on you up front don't really care about you very much.
Janine: Ok.
Gigi: Ok, Ok. Exhibit A. Chad the drummer who lived in a storage space. He only used me for rides and yet I continued to stalk him for most of 1998. Then oh, um, there was Don, that broke up with me every Friday so that he could have his weekends free. I was delusional about that relationship. I used to refer to him as my husband to random people, like my dental hygienist. Anyway, all my friends used to tell me about how things might work out with these dipsticks because they knew someone, who knew someone, who dated a dipstick just like mine. That girl ended up getting married and living happily ever after. That the exception and we're not the exception we're the rule.

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

porqueeeee es todo tan asi locoouou. extraño como eramos antes, sin quilombos boludos y sin rencores (eso va por mi parte :/ ) pero siento que todas juntas no concordamos. somos todas tan diferentes la puta madre. eso nos hace asi... espero juntarnos todas para mi cumple, las extraño, no fisicamente :(
ola en 3 dias es mi quince y quiero desaparecer de la faz de la tierra, no lo quiero festejar, no quiero creceeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr